APIs manage gameplay components and community components via your assembler scripts. Functions¶
number/boolean/string/table getDataElementValue(number dataElement, dataElementType type, string key)¶
Returns the value of the data element
The data elementtype
The type of the data elementkey
The name of the data element
void updateModuleData(number dataElement, dataElementType type, string key, number/boolean/string/table value)¶
Updates the value of the data element
The data elementtype
The type of the data elementkey
The name of the data elementvalue
The custom value
number getDataElement(number dataElement, string key, dataElementType type)¶
Returns the child data elements of a specific type
The data elementkey
The name of the data elementtype
The type of the data element
number getNode(number dataElement, string key)¶
Returns the child data elements of the LuaNode type
The data elementkey
The name of the data element
boolean containsNode(number dataElement, string key)¶
Returns true if the child data elements of the LuaNode type, or false if not.
The data elementkey
The name of the data element
number addChild(number dataElement)¶
Adds a child data element to the data element list and returns the data element added as a child
The data element list
void removeChild(number dataElement)¶
Deletes a child element from the data element list
The data element to remove as a child
number getChild(number dataElement, string key, number index )¶
Returns a data element child by index
The data elementkey
The name of the data elementindex
The index of the child data element to return
number addComponent(number YahahaObjectID, string identifier)¶
Adds a component to the YahahaObject using the component's identifier and returns the new Lua element
The unique identifier of the YahahaObjectidentifier
The identifier of the component
number getComponent(number YahahaObjectID, string identifier)¶
Returns a component on the YahahaObject using the component's identifier
The unique identifier of the YahahaObjectidentifier
The identifier of the component
boolean containsComponent(number YahahaObjectID, string identifier)¶
Returns true if the YahahaObject contains the built-in component, or false if not
The unique identifier of the YahahaObjectidentifier
The identifier of the built-in component
void enableComponent(number dataElement, boolean enable)¶
Enables or disables the component
The data elementenable
If true, enables the component; if false, disenables the component
number fireClick(number dataElement)¶
Simulates a click on a data element button and returns the new Lua element
The data element
Code samples¶
-- Load the built-in assembler module in the header code
-- Execute the logic part
function execute()
-- Create a YahahaObject using asset ID 274880352875 and name it as "testObject"
local testObject = createAsset(274880352875)
-- Add the gameplay component Move to the YahahaObject and store the data elements of the component in the "move" variable
local move = addComponent(testObject, GameplayComponent.Move)
-- Get the "setting" node of the move data element
local setting = getNode(move, "setting")
-- Get the first "toPoint" child of the move data element by the specified index 0
local start = getChild(setting, "toPoint", 0)
-- Update the "stayTime" of the move data element to 1 seconds, and "moveTime" to 10 seconds
updateLuaElementValue(start, LuaElementType.Time, "stayTime", 1)
updateLuaElementValue(start, LuaElementType.Time, "moveTime", 10)
-- Get the second "toPoint" child of the move data element by the specified index 1
local relative = getChild(setting, "toPoint", 1)
-- Get the stayTime and moveTime values and print them to the Console's output
local stay_time = getLuaElementValue(relative, LuaElementType.Time, "stayTime")
local move_speed = getLuaElementValue(relative, LuaElementType.Time, "moveTime")
print(string.format("stay time = %d", stay_time))
print(string.format("move speed = %d", move_speed))
-- Get the "AddRelativePosition" button of the move data element
local button = getField(setting, "AddRelativePosition", LuaElementType.Button)
-- Simulate a click on the "AddRelativePosition" button three times, and get the new points generated by the simulated click.
for i = 1, 3 do
local newPoint = fireClick(button)
-- Update the position of these new points with a new set of coordinates
updateLuaElementValue(newPoint, LuaElementType.Float3, "point", float3.New(0, 10 + i * 10, 0))
-- Open the Properties window
showToast("You are very smart!")