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The YaSpeakerComponent allows creators to make non-player characters (NPCs) speakable so that players can talk to NPCs using the preset dialogues. Dialogues are displayed when the NPC is interacted with players.


number AddCommonDialog(number dialogID, [number triggerDialogID])Beta
Adds a dialogue that is open for all players to the speaker. The dialogue is activated by adding it to the speaker. The dialogSN will be returned by default.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue.
  • triggerDialogID The triggerDialogID is used to group UI dialogues.
number AddCommonQuestDialog(number dialogID, number questID, [number triggerDialogID])Beta
Adds an interactable dialogue that is open for all characters to the speaker. The dialogue is activated by adding it to the speaker.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue
  • questID A unique identifier for the quest.
  • triggerDialogID The triggerDialogID is used to group UI dialogues.
boolean ContainsCommonDialog(number dialogID, [number dialogSN])Beta
Returns true if the current dialogue is contained in the list of the speaker's generic dialogues. Generic dialogues can be interacted with all players.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue
  • dialogSN The serial number of the dialogue
boolean RemoveCommonDialog(number dialogID, number dialogSN)Beta
Removes the speaker's generic dialogues.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue
  • dialogSN The serial number of the dialogue