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YaCharacterDialogBySpeaker is an object representing dialogues on the specified speaker. You can only apply this API to a speaker. A speaker is a non-player character (NPC) with a Dialogue component.


boolean IsValid()Beta
Returns true if the struct is valid.
number AddDialogWithQuestID(number dialogID, number questID, [number customTriggerID])Beta
Adds a dialogue with a quest to a speaker.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue
  • questID The unique identifier of the quest
  • customTriggerID Used to group UI dialogues
number AddDialog(number dialogID, [number customTriggerID])Beta
Adds a dialogue to a speaker.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue
  • customTriggerID Used to group UI dialogues
boolean ContainsDialog(number dialogSN)Beta
Returns true if the speaker contains an interactable dialogue.
  • dialogSN The serial number of the dialogue
boolean RemoveDialog(number dialogSN)Beta
Removes an interactable dialogue for the speaker.
  • dialogSN The serial number of the dialogue
number GetDialogsCount()Beta
Gets the number of interactable dialogues on the speaker.
YaDialogData[] GetDialogs()Beta
Gets the dialogue list of interactable dialogues on the speaker.
boolean TryAddCompletedDialog(number dialogID, number dialogSN)Beta
Records the finished dialogue for the speaker.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue
  • dialogSN The serial number of the dialogue
boolean ContainsCompletedDialog(number dialogSN)Beta
Returns true if the dialogue is finished for the speaker.
  • dialogSN The serial number of the dialogue
boolean ContainsCompletedDialogByAny(number dialogID)Beta
Returns true if any speaker has completed the dialogue.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue
boolean RemoveCompletedDialog(number dialogSN)Beta
Removes the completed dialogues recorded on the speaker.
  • dialogSN The serial number of the dialogue
void EnterDialogState(number dialogID, number dialogSN, [number customTriggerID])Beta
Enters a dialogue with the speaker.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue
  • dialogSN The serial number of the dialogue
  • customTriggerID Used to group UI dialogues
void EnterDialogState(YaDialogData dialogData)Beta
Enters a dialogue with a speaker.
  • dialogData The data of the dialogue
void SelectOption(number dialogSN, number sentenceID, number optionID)Beta
Selects an option in the current dialogue.
  • dialogSN The serial number of the dialogue
  • sentenceID The unique identifier of the sentence
  • optionID The unique identifier of the option
YaDialogSelectOption[] GetSelectOptions()Beta
Gets all options of the speaker. Call it in the dialogue end event.
void ExitDialogState()Beta
Interrupts the dialogue of the speaker.
void DialogStateEnds()Beta
Completes the dialogue of the speaker.
boolean IsInDialogState()Beta
Returns true if the speaker is in a dialogue.
YaDialogState GetDialogState()Beta
Gets the dialogue state of the speaker.
YaDialogConfig GetDialogConfig(number dialogID)Beta
Gets the configuration of the dialogue.
  • dialogID The unique identifier of the dialogue