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This Interactor struct contains a set of functions for dealing with interactors.


void OnObjectEnter(function callback<InteractableObject>)
Provides a callback that will be invoked when an interactable object enters the interactive range.
void OnObjectLeave(function callback<InteractableObject>)
Provides a callback that will be invoked when an interactable object leaves the interactive range.
void OnInteractionStart(function callback<InteractableObject, number>)
Provides a callback that will be invoked when the interactor starts interacting with an interactable object in interactive range.
void OnInteractionStop(function callback<InteractableObject, number>)
Provides a callback that will be invoked when the interactor stops interacting with the interactable object.
boolean InteractWithObject(YaEntity targetEntity, ScanMode scanMode, [number interactionType])Beta
Interacts with an interactable object in the specified scan mode with an interaction type, when the interactor is within the interactive range. The interaction types denote different interactions which you can customize for yourself, ranging from 1-20000.
boolean StopInteractWithObject(YaEntity targetEntity, ScanMode scanMode, [number interactionType])Beta
Stops the specified interactable object from being interacted with.
boolean SetInteractable(YaEntity interactableObjectEntity, [ScanMode scanMode])Beta
Sets the object to interactable in your custom scan mode when the object is in the interactive range. In the custom scan mode, you can implement your own mechanism for scanning interactable objects.
boolean SetUninteractable(YaEntity interactableObjectEntity, [ScanMode scanMode])Beta
Sets the object to uninteractable in your custom scan mode when the object is in the interactive range. In the custom scan mode, you can implement your own mechanism for scanning interactable objects.