Monitors can be widely applied in games to observe player behavior or surrounding situations. Go to Packages > Screen Effects and Assets > Assets > Monitors, and you can see 4 smart assets of monitors, 2 providing real-time monitoring and 2 providing minimap monitoring.
Real-Time Monitoring
Monitor Screen and Monitor Computer are two smart assets for real-time monitoring. They allow players to observe situations in the monitored area within the designated white frame in real time.

To adjust the monitored area, set the parameters in two components: the Monitor component and the Transform component of MonitorCamera (a child object under the monitor you added).

A Camera Effect component is integrated in the asset, so you can set an effect on the monitor screen.
Minimap Monitoring
Monitor Screen Minimap and Monitor Computer Minimap are two smart assets for minimap monitoring. They allow players to visualize their surroundings in a minimap form.
To adjust the monitored area and monitored items, set the parameters in the Monitor component.