Studio v0.4.2
Released December 4, 2024
YAHAHA Studio v0.4.2🛠​
Feature updates - Horror Game Kit​
- Integrated behavior trees to enable complex AI behaviors to be defined as code-free, hierarchical decision-making processes.
- Added support for coroutine APIs.
- Added hints when selecting objects inside groups.
- Improved log display in the Console.
- Optimized version update for both game kits and packages.
- Enhance the Cutscene Visualization experience.
- Disabled the preview for actions that may cause problems.
- Optimized the interactive experience with handheld props.
Bug fixes​
- Fixed aggregate errors during Lua debugging.
YAHAHA Horror Game Kit v1.9.0🧰​
Horror Game Kit v1.9.0​
- Added Game UI Packages to Game Settings to allow quick game UI customization.
- Fixed an issue that handheld items collide with the player.
- Disabled the preview for actions that may cause problems.
Screen Effects and Assets extension package v1.0.32​
- Four new camera effects have been added: Pixel8, Outline, Cartoon, and Monochrome.
- When using the minimap camera, the frustum culling and visibility range of the GPU instance are dynamically adjusted to balance performance with vegetation rendering.
Horror Game Assets extension package v1.3.5​
- Added Behavior Tree example smart asset: Behavior Tree NPC
YAHAHA Desktop v1.3.32🖥​
- Improved main pages' loading speed for quicker tab switching.
YAHAHA Launcher v1.0.32🎮​
Bug fixes​
- Fixed some performance issues.